VIDEO : 'Better Call Saul' Cast Teases 'Breaking Bad' Crossover

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Although Better Call Saul is getting closer to the events of Breaking Bad, creator Vince Gilligan does not intend to include Walter White or Jesse Pinkman in season four. We will finally meet Lalo, a character Saul (Bob Odenkirk) mentioned when he first met Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) in Breaking Bad. ?I think you?re going to see a few familiar faces that you?re going to enjoy,? Gould added. During the Breaking Bad 10th anniversary panel, Gilligan again said more Breaking Bad supporting characters will show up, but we will have to wait awhile for Walt and Jesse.

'Better Call Saul' Cast Teases 'Breaking Bad' Crossover

21-07-2018 - Vidéo