VIDEO : ABC Chooses Values Over Valuation With Roseanne Cancellation

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ABC cancelled it's highest rated series, which is also the most-watched television show in America.
But the cancellation of Roseanne will be problematic for ABC's advertising sales for next season, as their annual upfront market began two weeks ago.
But values won the day over, more than valuation at ABC Entertainment.
According to the network's president, Roseanne Barr's controversial tweets about former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett are abhorrent and repugnant, and don't align with ABC's values.
In a series of now-deleted tweets, Roseanne compared Jarrett to an ape, and a 'baby' of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.

ABC Chooses Values Over Valuation With Roseanne Cancellation

29-05-2018 - Vidéo