VIDEO : After Racist Comment About Former Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Roseanne Barr Is 'Sorry'

Celebrity in this news:

"Roseanne" the recently rebooted show on ABC has put Barr back in the spotlight.
She continues to display racist behavior and tweet problematic messages.
Washington Post reports she attacked former Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarrett,
who is black and originally from Iran.
Barr also attacked liberal billionaire George Soros and former first daughter Chelsea Clinton.
Soros was 15 years old in 1945, younger than Anne Frank, and was never a Nazi collaborator.
Barr initially claimed her tweet about Jarrett was a ?joke,? and argued that ?Islam is not a race.?
She later apologized and deleted the original tweet.
She has repeatedly attacked Muslims and likened critics of Israel to Nazis.

After Racist Comment About Former Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Roseanne Barr Is 'Sorry'

29-05-2018 - Vidéo