VIDEO : Game of Thrones Battle Scene Took 55 Days To Shoot

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Cape Town ? It certainly qualifies as a daunting TV production record that will likely never be broken: The fantasy drama series Game of Thrones just finished filming a battle scene for the upcoming 8th and final season that is set to broadcast sometime next year - a gargantuan night time production effort that took an unbelievable 55 days to shoot. The Game of Thrones producers, calling themselves "The Producer Types", wrote a thank you and recognition note to the crew and cast of the show for filming the longest battle scene in television history, stretching over 55 consecutive nights and 3 locations - including Toome and Magheramorne in Northern Ireland and an unknown third location.

Game of Thrones Battle Scene Took 55 Days To Shoot

12-04-2018 - Vidéo