VIDEO : Jumanji Actor Joins Charmed Reboot

Celebrity in this news:

The Charmed reboot just added a co-lead to the cast, and fans of Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle will be pretty happy about it.
Jumanji actor Ser'Darius Blain just joined the cast of the CW reboot and will be playing the role of Galvin. Galvin is described as "the ideal boyfriend, funny, mellow, in touch with his emotions, totally on board to follow his lady across the country for her dream job. An aspiring filmmaker who has yet to catch the break he?s sure is just around the corner."
The description doesn't mention who he will be attached to, but the co-lead status does suggest he will be involved with the various storylines quite a bit.

Jumanji Actor Joins Charmed Reboot

15-02-2018 - Vidéo