VIDEO : Charlize Theron Really Learned How To Kick Ass For ?Atomic Blonde?

Hints of the Charlize Theron's future as the paragon of female action heroes were present in the subpar American-take-on-anime-turned-live-action Aeon Flux but it wasn?t until she and Will Smith beat each other up in Hancock that, in hindsight, a pattern began to emerge. Charlize Theron loves action roles. Then along came Mad Max: Fury Road to cement her in the same rarified pantheon as the likes of Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton. Next up will be Atomic Blonde, which looks a lot like ?Lady John Wick.? The film includes a lot of intense fight choreography, with Theron taking on much of the stunts herself. A video was recently released on how the stunt crew was able to adjust their expectations and take Atomic Blonde to a whole new level thanks to the commitment of their lead actress. The best part of the video is when Theron asks the stunt guy if he?s okay after throwing him onto the ground.

Charlize Theron Really Learned How To Kick Ass For ?Atomic Blonde?

12-07-2017 - Vidéo Charlize Theron /