VIDEO : Patton Oswalt Hosts Dinner For Ron Perlman And New Hellboy Actor David Harbour

There?s a joke waiting to be said about the latest dinner Ron Perlman attended. After all, things can only get wild when two Hellboys walk into a restaurant with Patton Oswalt at their side. Perlman, who is known for playing Hellboy, recently met up with David Harbour just weeks after news of a Hellboy reboot went live. And, now, the elder actor is wishing his junior all the best luck.
Perlman posted ever-so-coolly on Facebook about his meeting with the man replacing him, writing, ?Not since Bill Clinton, Menachem Begin, and Anwar Sadat has there been such an epic summit yelding such little results! Apparently Patton Oswalt aka balvenieboy thought it was a good idea to host David Harbour and yours truly for a detente dinner. The result: i gained 3 pounds ands ruined my liver. Meanwhile, good luck kid! Signed, the babe.?

Patton Oswalt Hosts Dinner For Ron Perlman And New Hellboy Actor David Harbour

07-06-2017 - Vidéo Ron Perlman / David Harbour / Patton Oswalt /