VIDEO : Shaun White Has Same Heart Condition As Jimmy Kimmel's Son, Calms His Fears

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Jimmy Kimmel's worries about his son's heart condition have been eased. On Monday, the late-night host invited Olympian Shaun White onto his show because White was born with the same condition as his son, Billy Kimmel. White, who is obviously living a very healthy life despite the condition, alleviated Kimmel's fears but then made him nervous for something completely unexpected. "Oh no! My son's going to be a snowboarder," Kimmel joked. White opened up about his experience, which began shortly after he was born?the same as Kimmel's newborn. "I was probably just born. Similar situation like I was slowly turning blue," White explained. "My parents knew something was up. The doctors came in found out that was the scenario?the heart condition?so I don't obviously remember much at that point. I was so young." Seeing photos of baby Billy, however, made Shaun recollect some memories. "It brought back a lot seeing that same exact photo with the tubes and the whatnot," he continued.

Shaun White Has Same Heart Condition As Jimmy Kimmel's Son, Calms His Fears

02-05-2017 - Vidéo Jimmy Kimmel /