VIDEO : China's first androgynous all-girl pop band challenges ideal of femininity

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China's all-girl "boy band", FFC-Acrush, had more than 749,000 followers on social networking site Weibo even before any of their music was released. Sporting short bobs, loose T-shirts and barely there makeup, Acrush's androgynous look is bucking centuries-old norms in a society where girls strive to look feminine and act demurely. Marketed by sports brand Fantasy Football Confederation (FFC), the five women - aged 18 to 24 - held their first news conference in Beijing on Friday as their first single "Action" was released. The letter 'A' in the band's name is a reference to the god Adonis - the archetype of youthful male beauty in Greek mythology. It's not the first time Chinese music agents have had the idea of forming a gender-neutral act. Acrush is one of several bands under the FFC brand, which aims to be a pioneer in sports entertainment by mixing sports with music and dance.

China's first androgynous all-girl pop band challenges ideal of femininity

29-04-2017 - Vidéo