VIDEO : Captain Marvel Screenwriter Addresses Brie Larson's Age

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While many fans expressed enthusiasm when Kevin Feige introduced Academy Award winning actor Brie Larson to the Marvel family as Captain Marvel, few were not as happy.

Those fans specifically levied the criticism that Larson is too young to play the character?a decorated veteran of the United States Air Force?at age 27.

Captain Marvel screenwriter Nicole Perlman spoke about those qualms saying, ?I had to consult with the Air Force yesterday and I brought up the age issue and they said that it was not out of the realm of possibility,?

She also said, ?that somebody could be very accomplished in the Air Force between the age of 28-34 and that you could go very far within that time.?

Captain Marvel Screenwriter Addresses Brie Larson's Age

10-02-2017 - Vidéo Brie Larson /