The world let out a collective gasp on Sunday when Lady Gaga jumped from the top of Houston's NRG Stadium into the green abyss at the beginning of her Super Bowl halftime show?but as it turns out, viewers need not have worried too much about Gaga's leap of faith ending in disaster, because the beginning of her performance was actually prerecorded.Contrary to what you might think, however, the decision to do so had less to do with wires snapping and more to do with unpredictable weather concerns. According to USA Today, a representative for Intel?which provided the 300 drones used to create an extremely patriotic light show behind Gaga as she stood on the roof and sang "God Bless America"?claimed the reason they recorded the intro in advance was due to logistics. After all, timing was a huge part of Gaga's performance, and they didn't want to risk a bit of rain throwing the whole thing off. (When it rains, NRG Stadium closes the roof.)
Suffice to say, the precaution totally paid off, and anyone who watched Gaga's halftime show was just as mesmerized as if she'd jumped from the roof live.