VIDEO : India Censor Board: 'Jungle Book' too scary for kids to see alone

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The Orangutans, panthers and snakes in the computer generated remake of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book' were a bit too realistic for India's censor board. India required parents to accompany children under 12 to watch the movie because special effects made its animals too scary. The movie opens in Indian theaters on Friday. The Censor board chief said the 3D effects were scary as the animals seem to jump right at the audience. The film will be released in the United States with a PG rating, which recommends parental guidance. Compared to Hollywood, movie norms in India are extremely strict. Censorship authorities often order filmmakers to chop offensive scenes.

India Censor Board: ' Jungle Book' too scary for kids to see alone

07-04-2016 - Vidéo Jung /