VIDEO : Bear McCreary's Subterranean Sound In 10 Cloverfield Lane

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10 Cloverfield Lane wasn't composer Bear McCreary's first film, but it was certainly his biggest. A legend in the world of TV music (having composed music for The Walking Dead, Outlander, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and more) McCreary was anxious about the idea of composing music for one stand alone feature.
He says, ?The main difference for me is the creative pressure of knowing that everything you have to say in this world, you have to say right up front.?
For the J.J. Abrams-produced film McCreary had resources he wouldn't normally have access to. He used a 90-piece orchestra, layered under the Calder Quartet. But the instrument he was really excited to utilize was The Blaster Beam.
?It sounds like this crazy deep synthesizer, but it?s acoustic,? McCreary says. ?The lowest note of a piano is like the middle register of a Blaster Beam?I wanted sound that would remind us we?re deep under the earth.?

Bear McCreary's Subterranean Sound In 10 Cloverfield Lane

16-03-2016 - Vidéo