VIDEO : George Lucas Criticizes New Star Wars Film for Being 'Retro'

Star Wars creator George Lucas doesn't seem too fond of the approach to the latest title in the film series, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Lucas sold his franchise to The Walt Disney Company for $4 billion in 2012. Lucas also criticized the retro feeling of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and said he always tried to make the movies completely different through new planets and spaceships. The filmmaker also said Disney wasn't interested in his ideas for sequels. Lucas said Disney did not welcome his advice, so they went their own separate paths. Lucas said Disney made the newest Star Wars movie for the fans, deciding to do its own thing instead of using his ideas for new stories.

George Lucas Criticizes New Star Wars Film for Being 'Retro'

31-12-2015 - Vidéo George Lucas /