VIDEO : 93 Reasons to Love Stan Lee On His 93rd Birthday

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Celebrating the birth of comics legend Stan Lee, on Dec. 28 listed "93 Reasons to Love Stan Lee On His 93rd Birthday" and if you're fan or not, you can't help but give the man his due. Lee, who has had an immeasurable impact on the industry, the art form and of course the commercial value of comics, is also creator of some of the greatest villians in comic book lore such as Magneto, Dr. Octopus, Green Goblin, The Sandman, Loki and The Mandarin. Lee is also creator of Falcon and Black Panther, two of the first non-white superheroes to play a major role in American comics, and with co-creator Jack Kirby, Lee used superheroes as metaphors and even advocates for civil rights: When "X-Men" premiered in 1963, Lee pursued the "mutantkind as the oppressed people" metaphor, and over time, helped create some of the most multicultural heroes and villians in comics, penning characters who were LGBT, mentally disabled, physically impaired and racially diverse.

93 Reasons to Love Stan Lee On His 93rd Birthday

28-12-2015 - Vidéo Stan Lee /