VIDEO : Jesse Eisenberg Criticizes Film Criticism in The New Yorker

Everyone?s a critic these days. With so many blogs and publications all vying for their share of the almighty clicks which drive the Internet, criticism has become sort of a cottage industry. Anyone with a keyboard and an opinion, well informed or otherwise, can label themselves a critic. In a new humorous essay written for The New Yorker, titled ?An Honest Film Review,? Jesse Eisenberg offers a wholesale critique of film critics and criticism, which finds the actor/author inhabiting the role of the kind of pompous movie critic who typically writes for The New Yorker. The essay, written as a review of a fake movie, mixes no words and offers a serious takedown of all the armchair critics and bloggers of the world, painting them as sad failures who live poor lives and still pine for the girl who rejected them in high school.

Jesse Eisenberg Criticizes Film Criticism in The New Yorker

19-11-2015 - Vidéo Jesse Eisenberg /