VIDEO : Brad Bird on Tomorrowland

With Brad Bird's new film, Tomorrowland ? about an All-American teen genius recruited to join a futuristic secret society of the best and brightest and help save the world ? the 56-year-old director wants to turn a new generation on to the glories of intellectual curiosity and good old-fashioned optimism. And given that this former animator is the man who gave us Tom Cruise scaling the Petronas Towers in Mission: Impossible ? Ghost Protocol, Bird plans on doing this the only way he knows how: via a big-budget summer blockbuster, complete with special effects, CGI landscapes, robot moppets and George Clooney. Bird said "I think it's time science had a comeback. To me, science is God. How could anyone not be excited by it?"??

Brad Bird on Tomorrowland

22-05-2015 - Vidéo Brad Bird /