VIDEO : What Has Sony Done To Miguel And Adele?!

Celebrity in this news:

In a statement published in Billboard, Sony Music began the process of removing some of their notable artists from Soundcloud , the free streaming site, due to the music's sites "lack of monetization opportunities." This move comes after negotiation between the label and the company broke down Wednesday. Sony and its sister company, Columbia Records, have already taken music from Adele and Passion Pit off the site, however these artists were never known to be heavy users of the service. Unfortunately, Miguel, who is a frequent user of Soundcloud?even going so far as to release a surprise three track EP on the site?was also caught in the cross fire.
It is unclear whether the move was just Sony strong arming Soundcloud, or if this is their permanent solution to the monetization issue.??

What Has Sony Done To Miguel And Adele?!

07-05-2015 - Vidéo Adele / Miguel /